[] wrote:
> 1) How do the APU systems go as pricing to comparable systems from
> other similar (industrial class, desktop enclosure) manufacturers?

The pricing direct from PC Engines is roughly 2x to 3x the cost
of certain cheap, popular ARM boards. It's on par or lower than
the pricing of the higher end ARM boards (some of which are supported
in the armv7 port)

> 2) How is the OpenBSD experience on the APU systems, do they have serial
> RS232 console (serial BIOS), do they expose all the hardware to OpenBSD?

Everything is exposed. The serial console requires boot.conf setup,
and Bob Beck recently fixed some aggressive behaviour in the boot loader
so that it no longer prints garbage characters on the screen during
the 'set tty com0' transition. Thank you Bob for spending the time to
track this annoying behaviour down !


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