Is it possible to add more wired NICs to the APU? Alternatively, is 
there a comparably robust and OpenBSD supported low-wattage platform 
with at least 4 (and preferrably 5-6) NICs?

Thank you.

On 24 Jun 2016 at 13:37, Chris Cappuccio wrote:

> [] wrote:
> > 
> > 1) How do the APU systems go as pricing to comparable systems from
> > other similar (industrial class, desktop enclosure) manufacturers?
> > 
> The pricing direct from PC Engines is roughly 2x to 3x the cost
> of certain cheap, popular ARM boards. It's on par or lower than
> the pricing of the higher end ARM boards (some of which are supported
> in the armv7 port)
> > 2) How is the OpenBSD experience on the APU systems, do they have serial
> > RS232 console (serial BIOS), do they expose all the hardware to OpenBSD?
> > 
> Everything is exposed. The serial console requires boot.conf setup,
> and Bob Beck recently fixed some aggressive behaviour in the boot loader
> so that it no longer prints garbage characters on the screen during
> the 'set tty com0' transition. Thank you Bob for spending the time to
> track this annoying behaviour down !
> Chris

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