On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 02:07:55PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2017-01-25, C. L. Martinez <carlopm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have received a (maybe) "stupid" request from one of our customers.
> > We have a pair of public OpenBSD firewalls (CARPed) that our development
> > team use to access to several customers via VPN IPsec tunnels. But this
> > morning we have received a request from one of these cutomers to access
> > to our development servers using only one acl to permit their public IP
> > address (without using VPN IPsec, or VPN SSL tunnels).
> >
> > And my (OT) question: how easy is to do a MITM attack (DNS spoofing
> > for example, or another type of attack that permits to fake source
> > public ip address) in this scenario?
> For an attacker with no access to endpoints or network in between:
> - For many protocols including UDP, it is absolutely trivial to send
> traffic from a fake source address.

But, only SYN can be sent, right?? Source's attacker ip address will not 
receive ACK, etc. Is it correct? If it is, he/she/they only can do DoS attack, 
they can't steal information, right?

> - With TCP it depends on various things but sometimes you can predict
> enough of the IP stack behaviour to spoof blindly and send data.
> reassemble tcp + random-id can help.
> If an attacker can MITM (either by getting $client to send to their
> machine instead of yours directly, they can obviously log or modify
> packets before forwarding on to the real server. It depends what
> you're running over it as to whether this is a problem.

Uhmmm ... but in this case, I don't see how an attacker can fake original ip 
public source address ... Any theorical example?

Many thanks Stuart for your help.

C. L. Martinez

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