On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 08:46:09AM -0700, Ken wrote:
> I've read things that allude to a lack of support...
> "Much like support for RAID-5, support for encrypted filesystems is
> experimental." - Absolute OpenBSD 2nd Edition (2013), page 166.
> But a better source than this slowly aging tome is the more regularly
> updated website:
> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#softraidFDE
> Which seems to indicate FDE is supported (unless you are also doing RAID on
> the same device).
> All-in-all... I can see how some admins might feel like they sometimes get
> mixed signals.

Before installboot(8) was made smart enough to deal with softraid
volumes (which happened after 2013 I believe), FDE was indeed tricky.

Nowadays it's fairly easy but the installer script still does not support
setting up disks with FDE so manual steps as shown in the FAQ are needed
to set it up.

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