On 01/04/18 10:38, Marko Cupać wrote:
> Feel free to contribute to [!WARNING - BLATANT SELF PROMOTION BELOW!]
> [https://www.mimar.rs/blog/tag:openbsd]
> As a side note, setting up apache and grav [https://getgrav.org/] took
> me an hour or so. Writing simple article takes whole day, sometimes
> much more.


I love wikis for internal documentation.  But the magic is not setting
up the wiki (or anything else for documenting), it's MAINTAINING it and
getting others to participate.

Sadly, as is proven almost daily on this list, even though it is trivial
to put crap on a website, people seem to get this idea that if it is
"found on the web, it must be true!".  People don't trust google with
their personal data, but if it shows up in a google search, it must be
"vetted" some how!  It must be good!  No.  Of course not.  And yet ...

As has been demonstrated in comments on this thread and in practice,
people tend to write stuff, toss it out on the 'net, and forget about
it.  This is a problem.  For something like Wikipedia, facts don't
usually change as much as they do get added to.  For an OS, things
actually change.  What is written today and is correct becomes WRONG
next week.  So everything out there has to be periodically scrubbed for
accuracy.  And that creates a problem -- what if the maintainers don't
actually know everything about everything, and the original author
wanders off and isn't responsive?  The obvious answer is delete the old
article ... but what if you don't even know if it needs update?  (maybe
the answer is auto-removing every document that is not updated once a year)

Could it work?  Yes.  But not because of a discussion on misc@, but
because of a lot of people choose to make it happen.

And then, there's the problem of getting groups of people to agree on
things.  For example, I looked at the first article on the mimar blog
here, and I disagree with the basic structure.  Too much duplication of
installation instructions, too much "do this", too little "here's why
I'm doing this".  There's some really great things in there, like the -P
command to populate the MFS file systems, without even commenting about
that nifty command people might not know about.  And then you have a
bunch of echos used to create a script.  boo.  Just provide the script
and say "copy/paste this into your editor", or better, "here's how I did
it", and assume if someone needs to be told to copy/paste into their
editor, they shouldn't.  Don't obscure the actual details with "echo ...
>>file" crap.  Now, if I'm on the administration team, do you 1) think
I'm an idiot and storm off?  2) make the changes I suggest and decide
this isn't fun and then wander off?  3) decide I'm brilliant and start
writing the "Nick Way"?  (hint: it won't be #3.  In this case,
hopefully, it would be #4: kick me off the administration team, since
it's YOUR server, not mine! :) )

Bonus points for actually doing it, though.


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