Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:26:11 +0000 (GMT) Roderick <>
> I get continously this and other errors. In OpenBSD, in FreeBSD.
> I think it is time to change browser, but I distrust chrome as comming
> from data collector google. 
> The problem is that those that make WEB pages decide more or less what 
> browser I must use.
> What is the real alternative?
> Rodrigo.

Hi Rodrigo,

Try the commands in this order, see what you get with a recent snapshot:

$ pkg_info -d lynx; pkg_info -d w3m--image; pkg_info -d dillo; \
  pkg_info -d pkg_mgr

Note, and beware Firefox IS dropping i386 and we all have issues with P3
and previous generations CPUs lacking SSEx (wtf).  Landry Breul packages
the latest Firefox for many years, if only we could get a -noJS flavour.

Kind regards,
Anton Lazarov

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