On 26 Jan 2018, Jonathan Drews wrote:
> You can try Otter-browser. It is a fork of the Opera browser. My bank
> website and a few other websites refuse secure logins but in general it
> works well.
>  I am using it on OpenBSD 6.1. It won't play videos until you install the
> necessary plugins. Here is how to fix it.
> >Description:
>         The Otter Browser cannot play videos such as at YouTube
> >How-To-Repeat:
>         Go to YouTube and try to play a video. You will get an error
> message.
> >Fix:
>         The fix is to install gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.* and
>         gstreamer1-plugins-libav-1.*
>         as root do the following:
>         # export
> PKG_PATH=https://mirrors.syringanetworks.net/pub/OpenBSD/6.1/packages/amd64/
>         # pkg_add gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31p18v0.tgz
>         and
>         # pkg_add gstreamer1-plugins-libav-1.10.4.tgz
>         The above is only an example. Your OpenBSD system may have
> different versions.
>         The Otter-Browser will now play videos

It will play videos on YouTube but not on BBC iPlayer.

Anthony Campbell                        http://www.acampbell.uk

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