But - The thing that isn't mentioned here is basically Power Cost and
Consumption vs PPS(Packet Processing Speed).

IMNSHO running on anything that doesn't ;

A) Have passive Cooling
B) Is older than a couple of years (in intel/amd terms anything with a
TDPW above 65W)

 - is probably not a great idea. Mainly because the on-going cost of
supplying power to old junkers isn't worth what you can do with a
'newish' junker.

If you have free electricity, feel free to do what you like I guess.


On 4 September 2018 at 15:10, Bogdan Kulbida <i...@konstankino.com> wrote:
> Ingo,
> I so much enjoyed reading your answer. Thanks a lot for sharing.
> -Bogdan
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 20:04 Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:
>> Hi Bogdan,
>> Bogdan Kulbida wrote on Mon, Sep 03, 2018 at 04:17:51PM -0700:
>> > I need to build a pf OBSD firewall for a small office. What minimally
>> > feasible equipment would you recommend in order to achieve this goal?
>> I seriously doubt that you can find anything in the trash that isn't
>> seriously oversized.
>> In 2001, i ran an OpenBSD 2.7 firewall with ipf(4) on an
>> Intel 486-SX25 (25 MHz) with 24 MB (not GB!) RAM, a system
>> disk of 100 MB (not GB!) and a /var/ disk of another 100 MB.
>> The about ten concurrent users were happy with it for years.
>> OK, that would no longer work because the SX25 had no numerical
>> coprocessor which is now required to run OpenBSD, and it required
>> some fiddling to fit the system installation into 100 MB.  But it
>> always routed the traffic fast enough.
>> Currently, one of my office firewalls runs on:
>>  - CPU: AMD-K6 234 MHz (yes, a quarter of a GHz)
>>  - RAM: 128 MB (yes, an eigth of a GB)
>>  - HD: ATA (not SATA!) UDMA-2, 3 GB (not 300 GB!)
>> The only reason the machine is *THAT* large is that at the time it
>> was selected, we no longer had any smaller dismantled desktop
>> machines in the trash.  I don't have the slightest doubt that a
>> much smaller machine would also be fine - certainly with half of
>> everything, like 100 MHz, 64 MB RAM, 1 GB disk.
>> And since then, i'm too lazy to pull something newer from the trash
>> to replace it - because it just works.
>> As a matter of fact, i'm sending this email over it...
>> Yours,
>>   Ingo
> --
> ---
> Best regards,
> Bogdan Kulbida
> Founder and CEO, Konstankino LLC <http://konstankino.com>
> +1.802.793.8295

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