On Jan 4, 2019 12:44 PM, Misc User <open...@leviathanresearch.net> wrote:
> On 1/3/2019 11:20 PM, Radek wrote:
> >> A little ncat, sed, pfctl, and a dash of cron are able to do
> >> the job just fine.  cron is just there to start the ncat processes at
> >> boot and run an hourly script to do a pfctl -T expire <table> 86400 to
> >> keep the table clean of old attackers.
> > Sounds good. Could you share your script here?
> > 
> I don't have access to my systems right now, but the script is pretty 
> much a couple of one-liners in crontab, somethings similar to:
> ncat -l -k 23 -vv | sed s/..../..../ | xargs -R 1 -I % pfctl -t honeypot 
> -T add %
> I'll have to look up the exact command when I get get home tonight, 
> especially the sed I used.  Running on my local system, the ncat command 
> echoes out lines like:
> Ncat: Connection from
> Ncat: Connection from
> If I get the time today, I'll work on re-creating the regex, if not, 
> I'll share the one I've been using on my systems.

I'm curious what the security/performance cons to something like:

nc -kl 22 > /dev/null &

You wouldn't get the benefits of a pf table but it would still be fun knowing 
they are wasting their time.


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