Aren't new users forced to use fvwm already since that's the default? Removing 
the options won't stop those inclined from finding one they like in packages 
(unless alt. DEs and WMs are set to be culled from ports as well O_O). However, 
there is an opportunity for all GUI ports to include a mechanism to add a 
shortcut to executables in a given WM's menu, that would be made more 
practicable with a forced default.

None of the Xlib window managers are resolution independent from what I can 
tell. Making fvwm comfortable to use on my 4K screen involved doubling the 
sizes of fonts, titlebars, borders, icons and the viewport window in .fvwmrc. I 
didn't bother trying to do the same with all the other fvwm modules and I don't 
think anyone should be expected to. Until the day comes when all of this, plus 
the X11 utilities (xterm et. al) can be configured automatically based on the 
Xserver dpi setting, cwm is the easiest to set up as only the border and font 
sizes need changing. 
  Patrick Harper

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