[responding to this little gem I just found in the archives...]

Ingo wrote on 2019-05-14 13:54:38:

> That's entirely a matter of taste.
>[snip rant]

Ingo, we don't often seem to agree, but mecouldn't have said what you
just did any better.

In particular, me'd like to reinforce this point:

> Automation is precisely the main advantage of CLIs over GUIs.

with a translated quote from Gerrit Krol (I only know the quote, not
him, and not his books), as it used to appear in the front of every
book written or published by the somewhat legendary Pim Oets:

"Computers are needed where the work becomes boring. Work that is
 boring and yet has to be done, can be done by a computer. It is
 therefore good that computers exist."



Friggin' Machines!

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