For a non-native English speaker like myself, it is very difficult to read your mestuff…


On 23 Apr 2020, at 19:47, wrote:

theo wrote:
That is a rewriting of history.

It's history the way meknows it. Mecertainly predates some of it.

The disklabel format predates the PC.

Indeed. Mewasn't sure where and when exactly it appeared, so meleft that
bit out. But medid know it was older, and metried to communicate that
fact (obviously mefailed -- meapologizes).

It came from the the ancient attempt to handle things in CSRG's
4.3reno/4.4 work on the hp300. It was probably a rewrite of the
native HPUX disk format.

Hmm, hp300, eh?

This was then put on all the other architectures, as a unified
view of the disk. It was modified and extended on as as-needed

Rewriting the history like this is pathetic inaccurate and
narrowminded. Your history is absolutely false and you've made
up a bunch of balony.

So, what did memake up? Did mepresent a timeline? An exact order of
events? Did mepresent a scientific study? Or didmejust try to give an
overview of things in terms that Groot (and many others, mesuspects) may
just understand?

It is not true, and even a elementary
review of the history of disklabel.h back into the early NetBSD
tree will make it clear what's going on.

Like mesaid, it's the history the way meknows it. Me's not a bloody
authority on the history of either BSD or the IBM pee-cee, *at all*.

Perhaps meshould've made that clearer.

OH, and I did most of the early work post-CSRG, because we needed
to "emulate" this on SunOS, and I ported Torek's sparc code into

Mehas _no doubt at all_ that you know BSD (including its history) better
than me (that is, of course, an understatement).

I urge you to stop posting such balony.

Then it's me turn to urge you to not read me overview as an historical
account of any exactness.

After all, the goal, for me, was trying to help Groot understand the
relationships he sought clarification for.

Perhaps meindeed should've included a disclaimer. Then again, mehas no
offical role here (nor does mewant one), and in no way are me words to
be taken for the one and universal truth.

Can we please just assume that Groot is mature enough to be able to form
his own view based on our individual contributions?

Me'd like that.


Friggin' Machines!

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