>On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 10:44:09AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> If people built properly sized machines there would be no problem.
>That's a little condescending don't you think?

Not at all.

If you don't use a tool as it was intended, you bear the consequences.

*WE* built the tool.  *WE* decided how it works.  We even documented
how much resources it typically needs.  When people use it
incorrectly, it is their own damn fault.  *THEY* can make adjustments.

But they cannot complain, because they did not pay and even if they
had there is no warrantee.

There is nothing condescending about telling someone their complaints
about how something works are falling on deaf ears.  I don't give a
flying damn if KARL is hurting people who don't provide their machines
with reasonable defaults.  It is their own damn fault, and they can
make manual accomodations for their own (completely stupid, IMHO)

In this modern world is has become *impossible* to complain about
any technology which doesn't work like you want, companies who take
money don't give a damn.  Here's the shocker:  I will not be held
to a higher standard than that.  So Peter, your attitude stinks
and your suggestion that anything I've said is "rude" rather than "real",
thgat suggestion of yours is an insult.

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