On 12/03/06, Didier Wiroth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've another question regarding compatbility with some websites using some 
> annoying third-party technologies like flash and java.
> Unfortunately to get some info or make reservations online you can't avoid 
> these flash and java websites.
> I read the FAQ (regarding opera and flash) and actually use them on the 
> laptop.
> I was wondering if you are able  to surf websites with a zaurus with a 
> minimal set of software and correctly display sites using flash and/or java?
> If you are able to do it, what software are you using?

Java for making reservations? Where did you find such a web-site?

The most these web-sites use is document.all incompatible IE4 DOM
model, instead of getElementById.

No Java -- only some JavaScript. Flash is also rarely used on most
reservation web-sites.


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