hmm, on Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 11:23:02AM -0700, Theo de Raadt said that
> > it would be interesting to know about how MUCH money donated
> > to the openbsd project you all are REALLY talking here...
> Sad, eh.  350 donation transactions in one month.  I had no idea
> that the OpenSSH deployment on the planet was that small.  I
> suspected it to be much higher:

i am really not entitled to judge you, except the creator
no one is.  but answer me frankly please, do you think
that the "legend" of your personality is helping to raise
funds for the project?

do you think that people who don't know you in person (i don't),
people who don't read misc@ daily know anything *else* about you
apart being "difficult"?  your reputation walks miles in front
of you, and it's not really favourable i am afraid.

not that *i* care.  and i am sure many do not, as long as
the quality is as high as it is.  but many do i am also sure.

how long would wikipedia survive with a userbase attitude
like yours?  everything is connected with everything.

a man serves best, when he serves himself.

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