> Ok, so there's no need to fawn over them for doing what they should have
> done before. I'd be nice to have an apology AND the docs. Given the
> choice of one or the other, it's better to have the docs. And who knows,
> maybe there will be real policy shift for now and the future with Hifn.
> I'm not holding my breath, but stranger things have happened.

So they gave us docs.  Now we need to say they are nice?

No way.  They have received money from hundreds of you.  You are
customers.  They are a company.  Now if you (like them) cannot figure
out what that means, that they have a RESPONSIBILITY to their
customers, and that they only responded once their CUSTOMERS
complained, then I mean, come on -- please don't give us advice on
rolling over and playing lame.

95% of the planet does nothing to complain when there is a serious
problem with a company, and then when < 5% of the people complain
enough to force them fix it, you wish to congratulate the ... company?

How American.

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