On Sat, 2006-07-15 at 22:39:48 +0200, Peter Philipp wrote...

> Illegal activities?  Naw man!  I just like moving like a Mack truck.  See, 
> I'm already gone!  Once I was upset that they didn't give everyone static 
> IP's, and then I thought about the words Vint Cerf said, and I got 
> enlightened.  Anonymity rocks when you're taking charge of it.  If you 
> linger around for 20 hours a day someone can track you and the dynamic IP 
> is useless.  So I'm turning it around, into the intended direction.  And I 
> know I'm on the right path.
> Anyhow per day I see around 1440 IP's, I know my connecting netblock.. do you
> know yours?

Jesus you're a fucking idiot. I mean, seriously: this thread has got to be
one of the more idiotic things I've ever read here.

Anyway - the truly paranoid connect to different ISPs. Your provider has the
source port you're coming from, your MAC address, and prolly the MAC of your
DSL router in their CAM tables. You've achieved nothing, lackey.

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