On 10/25/06, Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just a half-baked thought, but escaping any non-constant expression
(i.e., actual variable, not fixed string) passed to the browser or a
database would go a long way toward solving most problems.

That would only work if:
a) it's unambiguous how the string will be used, so that the the correct
   quoting/encoding rules can be selected, and
b) you never need nested encodings.

$hello = "<Hello World>";
echo "<Hello World> ", $hello;

could produce
<Hello World> &lt;Hello World&gt;

So what would this ouput?
  echo "<a href=\"/cgi/foo?", $hello, "\">", $hello, "</a>"

...and if the answer is
  <a href="/cgi/foo?%3CHello%32World%3E">&lt;Hello World&gt;</a>

then try this:
  echo "<a href=\"/cgi/foo?", $hello, "\">http://server/cgi/foo?";,
              $hello, "</a>"

and think about what the goal of that is...

Philip Guenther

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