On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 10:53:10AM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/11/16 01:02, Stephen Schaff wrote:
> > I just don't understand how there can be a difference factor of 10.
> factor of 100.
> > 30 seconds for make depend on the A8N-SLI and 30 mins on the A8N-VM
> > CMS (???)
> > 
> > I MUST be missing something simple - has nobody else seen this?
> softdep mount option? this will slow down creation/removal of
> large numbers of files.
> hard-drive write caching? (check under the 'Device has enabled...'
> section of 'sudo atactl wd0') drive write speeds will be low if it's
> not enabled (some drives normally enable it, some don't and you can
> do so in rc.local).

To test this, how about finding a somewhat smaller program - like, some
port - and compiling it on a mfs? Provided you have enough memory to not
need swap, this should mean that the hard disk will not affect the
results. If the results are comparable on an mfs, tune the hard disk. If
not, I have no idea...


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