On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 12:40:48AM -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> Sounds similar to debian which also has to reboot a new kernel.  Do you
> run the rebuild niced?

I don't. I want it to be done as soon as possible.

> However, is it correct that when a new release comes out every six
> months, you have to reboot into that?  How long does an upgrade from one
> release to the next take? 

Yes, you must reboot and perform the upgrade. If you read the upgrade
guide and get your ducks in a row you can be all done *easily* in 30
minutes. If there were some kind of contest with cash prizes it could
probably be done much quicker. However, it's much more important to get
the steps right than to do it quickly, IMHO.

> Thanks for your suggestions re used books.  I'll try some of Kingston's
> used book stores and see what I can get at the Queen's book store.

Not to take away from that, but if you're interested in learning BSD
history you can pick up some interesting bits around the net. The
Wikipedia pages on this aren't as bad as they could be.


Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://phxbug.org/      |  http://metabug.org/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

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