On 4/6/07 1:26 AM, Andris Delfino wrote:

First, this wouldn't happen cause I prefer the BSD license, but, if
someone violates the copyright of my work, I'll take that guy down. In
the most publicly and shameful way.

A) If you really prefer BSD you wouldn't care about what people do with your code, the only reason why your name as an author is in the code is because without that anybody could claim "that's my code pay me", your name is there just to prevent other people put claims on it, not for your "honour". BSD is about maximum open-ness and making it impossible to violate copyright.

B) If you don't have the decency to inquire before you do harm to people, even to a type like Saddam Houssein you are plain stupid asshole.

The whole situation makes me think of the sneaky guy in this one:



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