I read the whole thread at gmane and I'm disgusted that a Linux
developer would turn on a BSD developer like that, but I'm not

Theo makes the point that Buesch and Co. are treating Marcus like a
thief. They all deny it (claiming they want to help Marcus and the
situation), but then they show their true colors when Buesch himself

"The way OpenBSD folks used our code was a complete lack of respect
for us. Fullstop."

That clearly exposes that Buesch thinks Marcus didn't make a 'mistake',
but did something on purpose... like a --thief--.

Buesch cc'd a large part of the community on his initial email, which
itself was rude. Why?

Because Buesch clearly thinks he and his driver are more important than
treating Marcus like a human being, and the chance to look important via
controversy just couldn't be resisted. This is Buesch's big moment! His
15 minutes of fame! And unfortunately, it worked.

That, to me, means Buesch is an asshole. He made more of a name for
himself in this bullshit fight then he would've for just being the
author of the GPL driver. He did it at the expense of Marcus, he did it
on purpose, and that is wrong. Plain and simple. 'Fullstop'.

Anyone that tries to handle an issue like Buesch has handled this one is
just trying to ham it up in the public spotlight. Theo rightly came to
Marcus' defense because that's Theo's job. Theo gains nothing from this
except the understanding amongst OBSD devs that anyone that develops for
OBSD won't be left in the cold when this shit happens. Kudos to you,


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