Still having problems. I can't get the soekris to boot as far as I can tell.

I used fdisk and created slice for OpenBSD and then used disklabel to create the partitions inside it.
After that I extracted sets (base,etc,man) to the disk.
I used "fdisk -u sd1" to update the MBR.
I modified the /etc/ttys to:
tty00 "/usr/libexec/getty std.19200" vt220 on secure

I added following to boot.conf:
set tty com0

I connected the card to soekris and put the DB9 cable between soekris and my laptop. Before turning power to soekris I gave command "tip -19200 tty00" on my laptop and it replied "connected". After I turn on Soekris.... nothing happens. I wait a while, turn it off and mount the CF again with the reader. I mounted the partitions again and check the /var/log/messages and it's empty. Shouldn't here be some info if the OpenBSD itself would have booted?

Any idea what to do next?

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