Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
carlopmart wrote:
Guillaume Duali wrote:
perhaps this HowTo will help you ?


See you :)
carlopmart a icrit :
Hi all,

How can I encrypt a whole partition with OpenBSD 4.1 or 4.2-current?? I only info about encrypt image files and not partitions ....

many thanks.

In this howto only explains howto encrypt sparse files and not partitions ..

the technique in the article does not only apply to sparse files. have an encrypted /var on some of my webservers and the procedure is identical to what's in the link further down (starts with the dd-ing of an image file).

do note it's not possible to encrypt all partitions using vnconfig. for the time being this is the best you can do: encrypt images and mount them after using vnconfig.

Thanks jacob, but I have received an email from openbsd's developer that it isn't possible to encrypt partitions or disks ... only image files created by dd command ...

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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