Julian Leyh wrote:
On 12:25 Wed 03 Oct     , Chris Kuethe wrote:
The developer of whom you speak may be slightly misinformed, or just
hasn't tried it. There is no need to mention names, but as of ...
hmmm... 2 minutes ago, i was able to use vnd to encrypt an entire

IIRC, you can't use vnd0 for partitions, somehow it causes problems. But
if you use vnd1 or a higher number, it should just work.

uh, pretty sure that's not the case. this hogwash about encrypted partitions is getting old:

# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0e     19.7G   19.7G  -1008M   105%    /enc/var
/dev/svnd0a   19.4G    2.3G   16.1G    12%    /var

did have to do the vnconfig thing in /etc/rc where you normally mount /var on boot, but the whole thing IS encrypted.


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