Siju George wrote:
On 10/9/07, Lars Noodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tony Bruguier wrote:
I would like to install an HTTP proxy.

Squid is recommended.  Read the directions carefully and you will have
to make one or two changes to the configuration.

Absolutely. Some folk use apache to proxy, it is in base.

Have squid listen localhost and then tunnel to get to it.

Rubbish. What a piece of nonsense. Ridiculous. Why secure plain http traffic?

Have squid listen on on the public interface on the usual port of 3128 and either:

*) use authpf to grant access to the port


*) set up authentication in squid, so your oriental luser has to login to squid. Search for auth_param in /etc/squid/squid.conf and take it from there. Kinda like htaccess for apache.

If you are worried about squid, run it chroot. Easy to do, if anyone wants to know, I'll post back about this.

I make squid listen on port 8080 in the squid configuration
file by editing


the in pf.conf I use this redirection rule

rdr on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port 8080 -> port 8080

Now people on the network will have to configure in their browser the
$int_if IP address and port 8080 for proxy settings.

Rubbish. This is pathetic and displays total ignorance of fundamental networking protocols, esp WPAD: web proxy auto discovery

Have squid listen on the internal interface at the *standard* port of 3128.

Block (return) *all* access from the LAN to the Internet, disable NAT. If you use NAT, what on earth is the point of using an application layer proxy? Permit the LAN to access ports 3128, www, domain, submission, & bootps on your dhcp, squid & mail gateway host, but do not redirect or forward.

If you are going to use an app, be man enough to have it listen on the correct interface. You gain nothing by running it on the loopback and then using a packet filter to redirect packets to it. What a waste of time.

Set up /etc/dhcpd.conf like something like this:

option  domain-name "";
option  domain-name-servers;

option option-252       "http://wpad/wpad.dat\n";;


option  ip-forwarding off;
option  ntp-servers;
option  smtp-server;
option  www-server;

max-lease-time 14400;
default-lease-time 7200;

shared-network LOCAL-NET {

        subnet netmask {
                option routers;

Set up /var/named/master/ like this:

$TTL 2D                         ; client caching [RFC 1035]

@       SOA (
        ns                      ; master name server
        hostmaster              ; zone maintainer's email [RFC 2142]
        2007100100              ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
        1D                      ; refresh
        2H                      ; retry
        5W                      ; expire
        2D )                    ; client negative caching [RFC 2308]

        NS      ns
        MX      10      smtp

puffy                   A     
ns                      A     
smtp                    A     
wpad                    CNAME           puffy
ntp                     CNAME           puffy
imap                    CNAME           puffy
wiki                    CNAME           puffy
squid                   CNAME           puffy
localhost               A     
$GENERATE 50-200        192-168-1-$.dhcp      A       192.168.1.$

Distribute a wpad file to the LAN from apache:

$ ls -l /var/www/users/wpad/{proxy.pac,wpad.dat}
-r--r--r--  1 wpad  wpad  .. /var/www/users/wpad/proxy.pac
lrwxr-xr-x  1 wpad  wpad  .. /var/www/users/wpad/wpad.dat@ -> proxy.pac

$ cat /var/www/users/wpad/wpad.dat
function FindProxyForURL(url,host)
  if (isInNet(host, "", ""))
    return "DIRECT";

  return "PROXY squid:3128";

$ cat /var/www/users/wpad/index.html
      Set your browser to "Auto detect proxy settings for this network"

In /var/www/conf/httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost *>
    RewriteEngine   On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  !^$             [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  !^puffy$                         [NC]
    RewriteRule .*           [L,R]

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAlias wpad
    # Maybe not needed, mainly for old versions of MSIE:
    DocumentRoot /var/www/users/wpad
    AddType application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig .dat
    AddType application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig .pac

Start dhcpd, named, & apache, then have the lusers set their browsers to "Auto detect proxy". Job done.

How this works:

1) LAN user starts PC

2) PC boots and gets DNS servers, domain name & option 252 from DHCP.

3) Lusers start browser, try to surf and constantly get a page that says "Set your browser to "Auto detect proxy settings for this network"" from apache. (You can include some info on how to do this on this page).

4) Luser obeys your instructions.

5) Browser auto detects the settings to use by:

5a) looking up the DNS record for
5b) browser downloads 1 of these files depending on which browser is in use:
5b i)   http://wpad/wpad.dat
5b ii)
5b iii) http://wpad/proxy.pac
5b iv)

5c) parses the file for proxies to use.

Your work is done.

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