> Is there a list similar to Linux kernel janitors also for OpenBSD? It's a list
> of tasks for which you don't have to be experienced in the particular OS
> internals to be able to complete them properly.

No, there isn't.

There are, however, two de-facto janitors for the OpenBSD kernels:
martin@ and I. Those janitors, however, are experienced developers.

Quite frankly, the idea of the janitor being a rookie scares the hell
out of me. How can you trust people if these people admittedly do not
know what they are doing, or why they are doing things one way and not

That said, I have a huge todolist, as a brain dump in text format. A
good quarter of it are simple tasks, which one may consider janitor

I am even considering posting it to tech@ on a rainy day with a bit more

I am adamant I'll find volunteers to work on the various items.

But in order to be able to trust their work, I'll need to share
knowledge and make sure these people are smart and bold enough to
understand what they are doing.

This is not a problem, per se. The problem is - as usual - time. There
are items on my list I don't have time to do, which would take me N

If I need to talk to someone and ``hold his/her hand'' and guide
him/her for 4*N hours, I've lost even more time.

I am not reluctant to share my experience. I just don't have enough time
to do this, and I can not guarantee I'll be able to devote those 4*N
hours to someone to help him/her get started and work on nice things.

That's a waste, because these janitoring tasks make you learn a lot of
things in no time.

But I don't want to betray the trust of people willing to help, as long
as I am able to help them get started until they can fly by themselves,
by not being there enough time in the beginning.

Working on the kernel is not something you can do with a ``1 hour every
week or every month'' rate. You need to dive for a longer time,
especially at the beginning, because there are many things to get
acquainted with. That's when you need as much support as possible. And
that's the kind of support I, as an individual, can not provide.


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