Nick Guenther wrote:
> On 10/31/07, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > They don't need a list.  They could already have started 
> coding.  Yet
> > we see how few people actually do start coding.  Instead, 
> they choose
> > to write in english...
> How can we get started on the code unless we have some idea of where
> to start on the code? Sure we could just code whatever, but why would
> we waste time on things that may be useless?

It's almost like
If you've gotta ask,
Don't ask.

> > > Obviously patches will be subject to peer review. Even if 
> a patch isn't
> > > approved, the coder should have learned something new and useful.
> >
> > Yeah, right.
> I don't understand. Is newbies learning new things a waste to you? Do
> you think they won't really learn anything unless the patch is
> approved? Or will the patches not be subject to peer review? Or are
> you worried at who would pass for peer review getting overwhelmed by a
> huge volume of poor quality patches?

I do not speak for the developers, 
but I think maybe I know where they are coming from. 
You get into this, not to do some good and useful, 
but as a violent and visceral reaction to bad code. 
(bad something anyway)
Essentially: This stinks. There's gotta be a better way.
Or this has to be easy. 
And go to enourmous trouble to show that it is easy.
Probably closer to mountain climbing than anything in current cs curricula.

> -Nick

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