On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 04:05:34 +0700, Unix Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think this is the second time you've posted something similar to this... I have news for you....

Everyone gets such traffic in their logs.. from DoS'ers and other mischievous individuals..

There really isn't much you can do about it either, and if you report back to each IP's abuse email.. chances are it originated from some 80 year old grandmothers trojan infected computer.

Just use sane firewall rules... only enable services you need, and suck it up!! ;)

-Nix Fan.

You could try to sink hole them.. direct their traffic, to lo0, lo1, lo2 or whatever you want. It's an everyday life handling such attack for Net admin anyway... There area a lot of tutorials/best practice in the net. You might know better than me..


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