On Dec 13, 2007, at 5:23 PM, David H. Lynch Jr. wrote:
    If you are unwilling to adopt policies consistent with his,
accept that you are not getting his endorsement and shut this thread

Nobody here asked for or WANTS his endorsement. He started the thread. We could give a shit about what he thinks. Now it's just about ripping him apart, yeah it's turned into a bit of a feeding frenzy but he brought it on himself. I'd LOVE to see somebody cross post this to the Debian and Ubuntu threads just to see what they think of his thoughts on the subject. Fuck, gNewSense? Seriously? I mean all joking aside, SERIOUSLY? He can see no reason that it's not a functional reason to choose OpenBSD over -that-? The most charitable way to read that is that alzheimer's has set in and to give him our pity. If anybody thinks I'm wrong go ahead and tell me how to do this with gNewSense or that I'd get that kind of support out of them. Go ahead try it.

None of the "distros" that Stallman is talking about are actually USEFUL beyond the most trivial of applications. For those of us who actually need tools to solve problems with the bullshit Commissar Stallman spews is beyond fucking useless. If I gave two shits what he thinks the only choice I'd have most of the time is what vendor to buy borken shit from. Even if I were to grant his arguments about non- free (which I most certainly do NOT) I don't see how anybody who isn't a total fucking nutter could see that as better.

So, yeah, fuck Stallman. Fuck his endorsement. There is nothing good about this fucking nutter or anything he's trying to do. Orthodoxy is EVIL no matter what god it's in service of.

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