On 14/12/2007, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think it is
> bad that GCC can compile a non-free program, or that you can use Emacs
> or VIP to edit one.

I don't know, Richard.
Do you have *any* idea of just how petty and puerile an off-the-cuff
remark like this makes you look?

Let me break it down for you:

0. vi and emacs are the two most influential UNIXarian editors.
1. You know all about the history of the vi vs. emacs war.
2. You are, or were, a leading emacs developer.
3. The most notable current emacs distribution is GNU emacs.
4. You are the central figure of the GNU project.
5. You are on the OpenBSD mailing list, which is a BSD project.
6. Most current vi distributions are under a BSD or similar license.

So then you mention that one can use two editors to edit a program,
but for some reason you can't bring yourself to saying "emacs or vi"
-- no, you say "Emacs or VIP".

As it says here:
"VIP is a Vi emulating package written in Emacs Lisp."

Again, I don't know Richard. Do you have any concept of just how petty
and incapable of ceding any ground, and "in-your-face",
"mine-is-the-only-way" this makes you look?

My spontaineous reaction to reading something like this would be in
shouted 8 bit ASCII, and would have something to do with the first 32
and 16 bit words of Felix Wankel's name and "error". That would not be
polite, but in case you haven't noticed, this and many more of your
recent remarks *acutely* make people feel like flinging things like
that your way.

And not without cause Richard, not without cause.
This thread has not been kind to you.
But you brought the biggest part of that on yourself.
Think about it.

Thanks and regards,

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