On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 10:49:12AM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > > Richard seperated us out.  Jack, don't go telling me that we may not
> > > rail against Richard being a prick.
> > >   
> > Well, no, you may. The problem is when two people sling poop on each other,
> > sooner or later it ends, and then all you've got is two guys standing 
> > there looking
> > sheepish, all covered with poop.
> How is this my fault?
> Richard slagged our efforts.  In the public space.
> Richard is a hyprcrite, since he does exactly the same thing.
> Richard walked onto this mailin list, telling lies.
> So, Jack, why are you acting as if this is my fault?  Why are you
> picking on me?  Did I invite Richard to set double standards, dismiss
> our efforts, apply his standards to us, and walk into a fight on a
> mailing lists where he does not belong, and flaunt his hypocrisy?
> No, I did not invite Richard to do these things -- he did it all by
> himself.
> Why don't you tell your buddy Richard to get lost instead?

When someone is annoying to me, I (internally) smile and think "I know
better you do."

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