On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 01:42:53PM +0200, Lars Nood??n wrote:
> chefren wrote:
> > If a programmer has a bright idea he should be able to choose to give it
> > away or make money with it, which gives her/him even more freedoms.
> Despite the rhetoric from Redmond-followers, making money from software
> is something that both the GPL and BSD licenses allow.  There have been
> many, and the number is increasing, companies that make good money using
> either license.  Early on, FSF was apparently even partially funded by
> sales of Emacs tapes.  However, the start of the thread is not directly
> about the licenses.
> When the BSDTalk interview was posted, it was brought up that the ports,
> which are not part of the base system, include non-free (by everyone's
> measure) packages.  You can find usability studies and findings of fact
> in court, among other things, which point that bundling implies
> endorsement.

They are free by your account.  You see you don't have to pay for them
therefore free.  I can play this game too.

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