On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 12:31:25PM -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 11:32:19AM -0700, Jack J. Woehr wrote:
> > I do, too. I like them both. I want them to stop fighting in public. I don't
> > care which one started it. I suppose it was Richard. It doesn't matter. Our
> > reputations as human beings will long outlive our reputations as coders.
> Fighting in public is not nice. But sometimes nice takes a backseat to
> truth. Aside from any amusement value, I'm getting something real out of
> this thread: who sticks by their own principles and who doesn't is
> becoming clear to me.
> I judge people less by how much they agree with my own views than by how
> they adhere to their own. If I don't agree with someone but they stand
> by their principles then at least I know where they stand and that they
> have honor.
> So far, the rationale from rms is extremely murky at best, and
> *anything* less than *best* sounds outright hypocritical. So far, Theo's
> position is completely consistent. This is what I've taken away from
> this thread. This is important in both theory and practice. Theo is
> winning this on both ideological and pragmatic ground.
> -- 
> Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://phxbug.org/      |  http://metabug.org/
> http://www.stilyagin.com/  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

Writing this mail from my Debian/GNU(?) desktop and sending it through my free 
OpenBSD firewall/server etc ... Following this thread with great interest and 
it very claryfing on licensing issues. 

I admire Richard Stallman for making people aware of free GNU software as a 
to M$ and other propriary -closed-software vendors. Thanks Richard Stallman! 
But must admit that after following this thread mr Stallman's arguments
seems __contradictory__. He says f.ex. it's 'ok' to use gcc and emacs ... on
propriary system, but it's not 'ok' to give to the user - if she or he
__wants__ to - the possibility to install propr*** sofware through the *BSD
portssystem(sep. install).

Finally as long as i do not hurt 'someone' (to mutch) then it must
be up to me to choose what i want to do, f.ex. install packages through

(Bengt Frost)
http://www.fvp.se, http://www.fvpideas.com, http://www.fvpideas.eu

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