Ray Percival wrote:
>>> But software which OpenBSD uses and redistributes must be free to all
>>> (be they people or companies), for any purpose they wish to use it,
>>> including modification, use, peeing on, or even integration into baby
>>> mulching machines or atomic bombs to be dropped on Australia.
>>> Theo [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list, May 29, 2001
>> That's fine, it is a statement of values and principals, that is exactly
>> what I was looking for - something that is conspicuously absent from the
>> OpenBSD web site.
>> If it is what OpenBSD beleives - have the balls to say so, rather than
>> the watered down language on the website.
>> The OpenBSD website expresses a clear value for code quality, and one of
>> security.
> Yeah, those are the things that matter. Why do you need so many
> guidelines and rules? 
I have been after values and principles, not guidelines and rules..
The number of values and principles, is up to OpenBSD - what really matters
> If logic and commonsense isn't enough for you then there are other
> projects for you to bother. 
Logic and common sense are the tools you use to go from values and
principles to rule and guidelines.

>> One of my problems with OpenBSD, is that the sense I get of what you
>> mean by freedom is the freedom to do whatever I please,
> Speaking for myself. Damn straight it is.
> Put down the crack pipe for a minute
I am trying really really hard to ignore the practically knee jerk need
of virtually everyone on OpenBSD to
Malign first, last and always.

But if that is acceptable here, then what is your problem with RMS. You
claim he has maligned you,
yet maligning people weems to be an OpenBSD core value.
You believe in absolute freedom - freedom to do whatever you damn well
Yet you are seeking to deny the same freedom to Richard and everyone
else that disagrees.

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