On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:15:25 -0500, David H. Lynch Jr. wrote:

>   The OpenBSD group chose to take that as a deliberately spiteful
>missle targeting them.
>    Maybe that is because OpenBSD is the closet to meeting Richard's
>    Maybe it is because, my reading of most of this thread is URL's to
>non-free software are a bad
>    thing, but we are going to keep doing them anyway, because accepting
>that they are not
>     consistent with our values might give Richard an occasion to gloat
>and we would rather
>    insert a binary blob from Redmond than admit that Richard might be
>the slightest right about anything.

You are a word twisting agent provocateur. Who is your puppet master?

Your "reading" of this thread says that you either need a class in
remedial reading or psychiatric help.

We would rather insert a binary blob from Redmond? You do know that
OpenBSD bans blobs from anywhere, don't you? Even linux or freebsd.

So in you come twisting words and not even doing that competently.

There is only one blob around here right now. You are it.
Fuck off wanker. Back to RMS and Eben with you. You are so desparate
you are getting careless, little toady.

You don't like the OpenBSD way? Good. Piss off and take all your
friends with you.
This is not a popularity contest, not a market share driven product and
damn right, it has an attitude.

An attitude of correct code as free as it gets and that suits this

You have not made any friends, you have not changed any minds, you have
not gained any converts. 

You, sir, are an abyssmal failure.

Now learn to know when to quit.

You'll get one food pellet when that happens.

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