On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 10:09:50AM +0200, Lars Nood?n wrote:
> Assuming a positive aspect to that, either you're confused about the
> meaning of word 'based' or unfamiliar with AD.

Neither actually but you seem content.  Never mind.
> AD is *not* Kerberos nor is it LDAP. AD may well be inspired by LDAP and 
> Kerberos and DNS, but go back and read up on it.  The 
> added/missing/changed parts prevent or, at best, hinder 
> interoperability.  A tool that does not conform to the
> specification is, guess what, not a standard.

Oddly this non-standard AD seems to interoperate with the Solaris ldap
client, an openldap client and with MIT kerberos just fine.

Brett Lymn
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