On Feb 6, 2008 9:07 AM, Lars Noodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> bofh wrote:
> > http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms818754.aspx
> > Read the page topic and search for the word "PAC "
> Several links in it appears to confirm that a broken version of Kerberos
> is still used:
>        "The Kerberos Authentication Group Membership
>        Extensions extend the Kerberos Authentication
>        Network Service (version 5) specification..."
> Extend == not a standard anymore.
> Yes a client can be hacked, and many appear to be, to accommodate a
> non-standard protocol.  But at the end of the day it's still not a
> standard.

RFC 2822 extends RFC 822.  RFC 822 extends RFC 821.  What's your point?  The
kerberos working team has already accepted it.

Additionally, that field was *DESIGNED* to be extended - it was labelled
"UNUSED" for gods sake.

http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/09/17/2050215&from=rss and search
for "pac "

Microsoft has done a whole lot of shitty things.  Even tried to embrace and
extend kerberos.  But as I mentioned in my *original* email, they got
roundly smacked for it, and decided to release the information.

So, put that FUD pipe down please.

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