On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 12:23:44AM +0530, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2008 11:23 PM, Marco Peereboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Let me take a stab of responding to this...
> Thanks for responding...
> > On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 05:33:12PM +0530, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > NOTE: No intention to behave like a troll.
> > >
> > > I've been following the "multi-threaded ssh/scp" thread and read Ted's
> > > comment that he's stopped working on the kernel threads code because
> > > he doesn't have the time for it nor does he need it any more.
> > > Also that multi-threaded ssh/scp would weaken security features within 
> > > the OS.
> >
> > Ted had an itch that rthreads scratched.  He worked on it and
> > unfortunately for all of us he ran out of time and even more
> > unfortunately he ran out of steam.  In OpenBSD land that means that
> > someone else needs to pick it up.  Let me reiterate that this is
> > extremely unfortunate but not not unusual.
> >
> > We, the consumers of Ted's code, can not dictate him what to do and
> > when.  He is very busy man with wide interests.  When you and I get to
> > use some of his code, FOR FREE, we should thank him instead of
> > complaining.  I have had the pleasure of working with Ted on several
> > pieces of code and I am thankful for his time.  I learnt quite a few
> > things along the way.
> Its good to know that Ted did indeed try to scratch an itch of his and
> laid down some ground work for future developers to take it beyond its
> basic level.
> But, it would have been *nicer* if Ted had put in some more of his
> time and effort to complete what he started.
> Also, we don't get to use his code for FREE, I suppose most of the
> users *buy* CD sets.

If only they did. A miniscule percentage of the user community buys
CD's, and the sales are dropping. The vast majority of users simply
download the code. The faster internet connections get the fewer CDs
are sold. Not complaining, we provide the code for them to do that,
but ...

If all our users bought a CD set there would be a *lot* more
development going on by dedicated/paid developers. If corporations
needing paperwork to donate would contact www.openbsdfoundation.org
and donate there would be a lot more development going on. And if pigs
could code as well as fly all our problems would be solved.

.... Ken

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