> Actually what Ted has done was utterly disastrous, he knows his own
> code well enough to have completed it.
> BTW, you are as big an oaf as Richard Stallman, you keep ranting about
> how you've put in your blood, sweat and tears, but forget to
> understand the point that without us users you are nothing.

People should inform themselves instead of writing things like that.
OpenBSD states very clearly that it has a developer culture, and not
an user one. Just be grateful for the code that you get FOR FREE.
Also, if you feel that the project helps you, give something back to
the project (like code or donations) to keep it running, and to keep
it helping YOU.
The developers code and share their code not because they want to be
famous or to receive accolades from the project's users, but because
they are solving the problems that they have an interest. They don't
own the users anything, instead, they give their code for free to
whoever might find it useful.

Is it so hard to understand that?

Leonardo Rodrigues

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