Hey folks,

i have been writing software about 6 year since i "finnished" my
university course. OpenBSD has always been impressive to my eyes.
Since correctness/security is "conditio sine qua non", i disagree as a
group of developer has it as goal. Goal should be performance,
portability usability. But correctness/security should be a

I am very confident about software i wrote. But in order to obtain
paramount performance i am taking a totally different approach. Since
process and even thread are not a good ideia. i am working now to
learn a little bit more about SDL (specification and description
language). Not only my systems became faster, a lot faster but also,
very, very, very modular.

I am not in kernel design/implementation, so i would like to hear from
you all about an approach driven by this method.

I was thinking about the advantages of having very modular part of a
OS, being executed on each processor (of a SMP system), and like. It
sounds very interesting to me.


On Feb 17, 2008 9:03 AM, Mayuresh Kathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> NOTE: No intention to behave like a troll.
> I've been following the "multi-threaded ssh/scp" thread and read Ted's
> comment that he's stopped working on the kernel threads code because
> he doesn't have the time for it nor does he need it any more.
> Also that multi-threaded ssh/scp would weaken security features within the OS.
> It just led me to ponder, what is OpenBSD's ultimate goal?
> Is it just to become the worlds most secure OS with as few remote
> holes in the default install?
> Shouldn't it also be our goal to be the best UNIX-like operating
> system which is in tune with the current needs of users?
> It would have been great to have a threaded kernel, there are
> developer's I'm gathering around who wanted to change the TCP/IP stack
> to make it higher performance, more like "Project FireEngine" under
> Solaris 10.
> OpenBSD is an OS with amazing security and stability, but it has too
> few modern features.
> It would be great if developers also start working on improving the
> features currently offered by OpenBSD.
> Else, we would end up becoming the world's most secure OS which is
> used by just a handful of us faithful users.
> You might ask what right do I have for this rant, what am I doing for OpenBSD?
> Well I can't donate code directly as I'm a Java programmer and my C is
> quite rusty (haven't coded in it in over 7 years).
> But, yes, I do donate my time and money, indirectly, by recruiting
> good C developers to the cause as well as buying stuff for core
> developers off their wish lists.
> Hope newer features get added, not that I'm unhappy with the OS (it
> does almost everything I need an OS to do for me), but it would be
> great if we had *more* smart developers and a wider base of good users
> who get attracted to the OS for its robustness as well as feature-set.
> Best,
> ~Mayuresh

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