On Feb 19, 2008 5:16 PM, Duncan Patton a Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Feb 2008 17:33:12 +0530
> "Mayuresh Kathe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It just led me to ponder, what is OpenBSD's ultimate goal?
> What, exactly, is yours?

My ultimate goal is to have an OS which would give me;
a better default window manager,
something as good as DTrace,
something as good as FireEngine,
a file system which would hold a lot of big files, you can assume it
to be porn if you want :-)
and, a system which is as free off GNU software as possible.

That's the reason I've been gathering good C developers, so that they
could either;
1. take up complex projects like FireEngine/DTrace,
2. write replacements for as many GNU tools/utilities as possible,
3. be a landing stage for newer developers who get intimidated by the
intensity of the core developers.

> I've read thru this thread and you are remarkably obscure
> about your intentions, but it seems to me that OBSD somehow
> does not fit your marketing plan, which seems to have a lot
> in common with "New, Improved, Diamond-shaped Shreddies".

I've clearly pointed out what I've wanted since my second mail to the thread.

I don't *have* a marketing plan, I'm a developer, remember?


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