On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 9:33 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Not at all! RAM keeps the information partly for MINUTES! It not a real
>  race condition or so... it's about physics and electricity.

Wow! For minutes! While the research is interesting the chances of
actually being a victim to this is pretty damn slim in practice.

>  Think about bigger netroks! You do know ANY devices wich has NO ram?
>  Even a simple client-PC wich boots via network has ram. And in
>  universities or so with about 129k users you just can't ensure that NOBODY
>  turns off the PC, gets the RAM, reads ya SSH key and turns the PC on again
>  (just in case you might used it before this brave student..)...
>  You could do this in like 10minutes (max!).

10 minutes is a lot longer than "seconds or even minutes".

Lars Hansson

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