Yes, the error is the 1st time said bridge is created.  Call it a wart. ;-)

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Penned by Frank Bax on 20081203 22:31.57, we have:
> Hi Todd:
> You asked for feedback.  Most of the time; qemu produces:
>  {tun0 (bridge0 <-> em0)}
> But sometimes it produces:
>  {tun0 (bridge0 <-> em0)brconfig: bridge0: No such process
> brconfig: bridge0: No such process
> }
> Network access still works, despite the error message.
> Frank
> On 2008-Nov-04, Todd T. Fries wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity, humor me, run qemu as root with the following added
>> options:
>>      -net nic,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0
>> I've observed that at some point user mode networking has started segv'ed on
>> amd64 when running any qemu guest, and am sorry to report I have not yet
>> tracked down the source of the issue..
>> Please let me know if you have other experiences.
>> Thanks,

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