Hi Daniel and Misc@,
On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 06:29:22 +0700, Daniel Ouellet <dan...@presscom.net> wrote:

Claudio Jeker wrote:
Fell free to disagree, that's fair.

Sorry, I don't get it a non-developer tries to educate a developer about how kernel crashes should be reported? Sorry most of your standpoints are
just wrong. Sure people are encuraged to run snapshot kernels but
selfbuilt kernels are fine as long as they're built from a unmodified
GENERIC config. Let us developers take care of yelling at those people who send in bad bug reports because we're acctually the people who may fix it
in the end.

Hi All,

I stand corrected on this one. I was bias in my reply, I must admit it and come clean on it!

No offense intended to anyone it may have offended. I was quick to reply to Steph as I did react to the content of the email and the linux name in the email address. My fault to react to quickly on this one. I should have know better!

Not only did I put my foot in my mouth, but I swallow the boot as well.

I follow cvs for years and I didn't see Insan as making changes to the tree, so I didn't know he actually was a developers or I would have known better and I miss a chance to just shut up! I didn't see his name on the list either. My bad!

I'm not a developer, if You mean I did something/contribute on the source-tree. But yeah, I periodically sync my testbed machine source-tree and compiled them, test them (most part is network subsystem) and I hope in someways, it might be helping the developers to find out bugs or anything they might interested into.

Insan, please accept my apologies on a misplace reply to you on my part!

Oh come on, we got our share supporting and enjoying these wonderful system, yeah sure, apology accepted.

I was clearly out of place.

Same to you Steph, I shouldn't have reacted so quickly to your email address and have wrongly concluded to an other Linux quick miss place question, or reaction.

I try to help when I can and over time stop reacting as much as I used to, but obviously I still have ways to go as this treed have shown.

My bad and I have no one else to blame then myself here.

Please accept my deepest apology where I should have know better and obviously missed a chance to shut up!

And Claudio and J.C., you are both right. Thanks for taking the time to straighted me up! I deserved that one fully.

One only get better by learning from their mistakes and that's not the first I did for sure and I am sure it will not the last either.

Best regards,

Daniel Ouellet


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