
2009/5/21 Obiozor Okeke <obiozorok...@yahoo.com>:
> Hi Diana (and Stuart) thanks for all your advice.
> The problem or nut we're
> trying to crack is that we're trying to deploy OpenBSD to remote clients
> we wanted an inexpensive but very high reliability system with the
> to change configurations (switch in/out different VMs) and add/modify
> remotely on-the-fly.  For example we could upgrade a client from 4.4 to 4.5
> along with all the custom apps and client data packaged in a VM.  We would
> grab the old 4.4 VM bring it back to our lab, then upgrade and re-configure
> the way we wanted to and drop it back on the ESXi.  Then just change the
> network configs and switch the old for the new all remotely without ever
> visiting the client
> Thanks again all.

Even if this were feasible (given the hardware limitations of the
5501), you would still have to maintain ESX in a manner which requires
console access.

Wrapping OpenBSD up in ESX defeats the typical purpose of using
OpenBSD.  ESX and other x86 virtualization software introduces a whole
new vulnerable layer of software which requires patching and

Take it from the horses mouth...

"A critical vulnerability in the virtual machine display function
might allow a guest operating system to run code on the host. The
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Project (cve.mitre.org) has
assigned the name CVE-2009-1244 to this issue."


"A memory corruption condition might occur in the virtual machine
hardware. A malicious request sent from the guest operating system to
the virtual hardware might cause the virtual hardware to write to
uncontrolled physical memory.  The Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2008-4917
to this issue."


"VMware addresses an in-guest privilege escalation on 64-bit guest
operating systems.  VMware products emulate hardware functions
including CPU, memory, and I/O.  A flaw in VMware's CPU hardware
emulation could allow the virtual CPU to jump to an incorrect memory
address. Exploitation of this issue on the guest operating system does
not lead to a compromise of the host system, but could lead to a
privilege escalation on guest operating systems. An attacker would
need to have a user account on the guest operating system.  Affected
guest operating systems include 64-bit Windows, 64-bit FreeBSD, and
possibly other 64-bit operating systems."


This is just a small sample.  All this will get you extra complexity
and the doubt that a problem with the guest software is really with it
or the host.


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