        I've setup oBSD 4.5 and have installed Pound
(http://www.apsis.ch/pound) on it.  I used the following steps while
doing this; http://azbsd.org/~marco/openbsd/pound/.
        All seems good to go, but I'm having an issue and I'm not sure
entirely where to go or whom to talk trying to resolve the issue.
Pound's forums weren't helpful and I'm working with Axis camera support.
This is the last place to try.
        I wanted this type of setup so we can access internal network
Axis cameras from the internet; Pound as a reverse-proxy seemed to be
the most perfect choice.  Anyway, I've been trying for weeks trying to
get it working properly.
        Within a web browser, I can access the camera fine when
connecting to it directly.  If I try to go through the oBSD box, I get
the webpage title and the URL updated, but then it dies.  I end up
getting a 503 error from Pound.  If I do a netstat, oBSD shows the IP of
the camera as a SYN_SENT and another listing for TIME_WAIT.  PF isn't
        I wasn't sure what was going on until this morning it started
working out of the blue through Pound/OBSD.  But, the instant I tried to
move the camera or into the camera setup, the connection dropped and
died and it hasn't worked since.
        I did a netstat when it was working and notice there were about
20 connections from the oBSD box to the camera; one established and the
others were TIME_WAIT.  This is about the norm when browsing to the
camera directly.
        Any ideas?  Am I missing a configuration setting with oBSD which
isn't allowing multiple connection, etc?  I'm VERY new to oBSD; this is
my first setup/configuration with oBSD but have messed with other *nix
systems prior.
        Thanks.. -Jeff

Just to Reiterate:
        oBSD 4.5 (cd-install & patched) install with openSSL 0.9.8.k and
Pound 2.4.4 installed.
        Testing this so we can access internal network Axis cameras from
        Getting 503 Service unavailable errors from Pound when trying to
view the camera (Web browser title and URL change and then error pops
up);  until once this morning.
        Netstat shows two connections to camera from oBSD showing
SYN_SENT and TIME_WAIT.  PF isn't enabled on the oBSD box.
        When it worked once this morning, netstat shows about 20
connections; one established and all others TIME_WAIT.  This is the norm
when directly connected with camera.

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