> having any problems... and I mean, EVER !
> >   Burning CD images to DVD media does not always work,
> > for example (probably a stupid one that risks insistent
> > contradictions, but well,), so any detail you supply could be helpful
> > in sorting out whatever the problem is.
> It really pisses me off that everyone assumes that the poor sap who is
> asking for help is too stupid to have done things right and they just
> forget that maybe the problem is in the SOURCE !
> I know what a bootable image usually looks like... but neither of those
> I downloaded look right.
> Unless, of course the booting is supposed to be done in some
> incomprehesible way from some other operating system in some mysterious
> way that is not spelled out anywhere where I can find it, anyway. :-)
> Sorry, but I'm ust laughing all theway back to FreeBSD... they may be
> fucked-up but at least I can managed to figure out how to to deal with them.
> I liked the idea of how your head honcho runs things and the general
> response to the OS, but by gosh and by golly, Molly, somebody ai'nt got
> the steering sheel pointed right!

WOW! You are an over-reacting baby!

I want to apologize to the oBSD community for suggesting that this guy
move to oBSD. He indicated that he was having difficulties with fBSD
(for years) on an fBSD mailing-list and I thought I'd lend a hand. I'm
sorry that I did.

> -- 
> HervC) Kempf: "Pour sauver la planC(te, sortez du capitalisme."
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Phil Jourdan --- p...@ptahhotep.com
>    http://www.ptahhotep.com
>    http://www.chiccantine.com/andypantry.php

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