On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 06:08:33PM -0400, PJ wrote:
> I know what a bootable image usually looks like... but neither of those
> I downloaded look right.
> Unless, of course the booting is supposed to be done in some
> incomprehesible way from some other operating system in some mysterious
> way that is not spelled out anywhere where I can find it, anyway. :-)

In previous private e-mail, I sent you a description of every file in cd45.iso.
In previous private e-mail, I asked you what you saw, from any other OS, when
you mounted the disc.

I've received no replies.

In the hope that those e-mails went into the bit bucket, and you never saw
them, I will resend, publicly, the file descriptions I had previously sent.

Please let us know if your content matches this:

./4.5                           directory
./4.5/i386                      directory
./4.5/i386/boot.catalog         El Torito boot catalog
./4.5/i386/bsd.rd               OpenBSD ramdisk kernel
./4.5/i386/cdboot               OpenBSD second stage boot loader
./4.5/i386/cdbr                 El Torito first stage boot loader
./4.5/i386/TRANS.TBL            CD9660 translation table
./4.5/TRANS.TBL                 ditto   
./etc                           directory
./etc/boot.conf                 boot configuration
./etc/TRANS.TBL                 see above
./TRANS.TBL                     ditto

If your content matches, then as I'd written previously in private e-mail,
try cdemu45.iso.  That version is required if your BIOS requires large
diskette emulation to boot an El Torito disc.  It would be unusual, but
not impossible.  

Or, you can give up.  Either way, the choice is yours.

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