Bob Beck wrote:
>> boo hoo. run one machine somewhere and make release. done.
> Once you have a built release you can run upgrades everywhere from
> that release tarball.
> man release
> to figure out how to do that.
> Now you may ask, why don't we do that?  We simply do not have the
> resources and time to
> devote racks of machines, developer time, and internet bandwidth to
> building stable somewhere
> for all architectures, and distributing it securely.
> Us (the developers) would rather spend our time improving the os and
> our resources at
> distributing it and making it better than expending a lot of effort
> because someone is
> too lazy to rtfm and patch something themselves.  If you want push
> butan, get os, please
> go run windows 7 or OSuX.. you'll be much happier, as will we because
> the neediness
> of our user community goes down.
> The fact that you have to not be lazy to use OpenBSD is important to
> us. Unlike a commercial
> OS, or linux, we don't measure our success in how popular it is, or if
> we're going to replace the
> evil microsoft any time soon. we *WANT* needy lazy users to use those
> other OS's so we can
> concentrate on making something that works and is stable for people
> who really need it, like
> ourselves.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous,
he will not bite you. This is the principal difference
between a dog and a man. -- Mark Twain

Here, like so many other situations and places in this
world, people are feeding for free (or nearly so) and
bitching about the fare.

Enough already.

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